Wednesday, December 27, 2006

What’s This All About?

OK, so here I am pretty stoked about being one of the Chosen Ones!

(Actually I am sitting outside [yes outside – global warming, anyone?] having a Doumi (draft beer) in the main plaza of Rousset a small French ville outside of Aix en Province.)

On January 8, 2007 I shall fly down to Nashville, TN (Al Gore’s home town), where I’ll be attending a 3-day training session. I guess they want to show us the various forms and lengths to give the presentation, depending on the audience (school kids, business, friends), and also how to answer any difficult questions that people may have about the facts on climate change.

As part of the deal, I have to commit myself to give at least 10 presentations in one year! While that may sound like a lot, I have a few already covered – figure one presentation at Green Team, two at my daughter Alice’s school (middle school gets one, high school gets another), I am sure some of my clients would be also interested–that’s probably three to five, and I attend quite a few conferences so that’s another two or three.

So I am not really worried about meeting the quota.

What’s really cool about the training sessions is that I understand that Al Gore is an active participant in these!

The group is made up of what I believe is about 40 folks – these are being split up into 4 geographical regions (from where you come from) – I am in the Northeastern or GREEN Group.

So how to prepare for this? More on this tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Introduction to An Inconvenient Hugh

Welcome to my first blog.

You could say this blog started in November 1992.

You may recall it was an election year and two people full of hope and optimism had just won the election.

I personally was very excited with the prospect of an Al Gore in The White House.

You see I had this crazy idea.

Why not start an ad agency that specializes in environmental issues!!?? Here I was, an art director in a dead end job working on pet food and cereal accounts. I felt there must be more to life than this.

I loved both advertising and environmental issues – so why not? I had also read Al Gore’s Earth In the Balance and became a Gore fan. Here was a guy talking about global warming, biodiversity, alternative energy like solar, wind, hybrids – he was so ahead of his time – in fact, at the time President Bush kept referring him to Mr Ozone.

Well Clinton and Mr. Ozone won!

And shortly after, Green Team was born!

Well, here we are today – Green Team is still here (and doing pretty well, thank you very much) and Al Gore has been reborn as the avid and true environmentalist that he always was.

Some of you may have seen An Inconvenient Truth (if you haven’t, shame on you – go see it) – but it basically is a PowerPoint presentation that Al Gore has been giving for over 14 years.

Of course, he has been updating it with what has been happening recently – read Tsunami, Katrina among other things.

But the basic argument is there. There is something called Climate Change and Global Warming and it is REAL. And we’ve got to do something about it, before it’s too late. And NO, (as both Bushes would have you believe it’s NOT a choice between the economy and the environment. In fact, if America tackled these issues head on, we would be at the forefront of new, cutting edge technology that would not ONLY help SAVE the planet, but benefit business and people at the same time.

Big Business is aware of it. Unfortunately, with the exception of a few American companies (GE, Dupont, etc.), it’s the Japanese like Honda and Toyota that are seeing the light…

But let’s get back to why I am writing this blog

After the release of An Inconvenient Truth earlier this year and it’s incredible success, Al Gore started a mission called The Climate Project. And he issued a call for 1000 volunteers or messengers to help spread the word on global warming

One thousand volunteers to give the same presentation to as many people as possible.

I answered the call!

I guess you can call me one of Gore’s disciples or messengers!

You see, 14 years ago Al Gore inspired me to open Green Team – I figured I owe the man something.